Introducing ACHPER Victoria’s Board for 2024/25

As an organisation which is growing and innovating, ACHPER Victoria is ensuring it is governed by a highly capable, skill-based Board and Board portfolios. Their combined purpose is to provide ACHPER Victoria with strategic direction and rigorous corporate governance.

The Board acts proactively to drive the work of the organisation to meet current and future demands of our broader community and guide us to build the services and resources which enable all people to lead active and healthy lives. The Board also has the ultimate responsibility for the finances of the organisation and holds accountability for its ventures and actions.

Following the recent AGM and Director elections, we are delighted to provide you details of our Board and Finance, Audit Risk and Governance Portfolio Chair.

In particular, we congratulate Kate President for her election to the position of ACHPER Victoria President, and Tony Goodwin for his election as ACHPER Victoria Vice President.

We would also like to acknowledge the appointment of Dr Jacqui Peters and Rebecca Sandlant to the Board, and together we look forward to continuing our work advocating for active and healthy lives!

To learn more about ACHPER Victoria's governance, please click here.