Participants wanted for Federation University study

This article is contributed by Federation University.

Are you a Health, Outdoor, or Physical Education (HOPE) teacher who graduated from your teaching degree between 2018-2023?

Are you currently, or have you previously taught in a regional, remote, rural or urban fringe school?

If you answer yes to both of these questions, researchers from Federation University would like to hear about your experience teaching and your professional development during your first years of teaching.

This project aims to explore how beginning HOPE teachers have navigated the early years of the profession and are working, or who have worked in regional, rural, remote and urban fringe schools. In particular, researchers are interested in the professional development opportunities you have participated in, and how your professional development opportunities have supported you as a beginning teacher.

If you have an hour to spare to talk about your experiences, please review the plain language statement here and get in touch to book a time for an interview.

This project has been approved by the Federation University Human Research Ethics Committee Approval Number 2023/190.