Annual State Conference | November 18 & 19 November, 2024

A conference for teachers, allied NFP professionals, sports administrators, academics and people with an interest in HPE





 Our conference is a celebration of Health and Physical Education (HPE), bringing together educators, researchers, and industry professionals from across the state to explore the latest trends, advancements, research and best practices in the field. Over the course of two enriching days, participants will have the opportunity to engage in insightful keynote presentations, interactive workshops and experience a plethora of networking opportunities.  Our conference is aimed at fostering collaboration, innovation, contemporary and inclusive practices in HPE. The conference schedule has been designed to appeal to a wide range of audiences and is spread across the primary and secondary sectors. There are opportunities for practical or lecture style professional learning to create the perfect combination of workshops to support your development and meet your individual requirements at the level you need.


Delegates can choose to purchase a single day ticket or both days as preferred.

Conference Fees


Conference Fees  
 ACHPER WA MEMBER - From $300 - 500  Registrations now open  REGISTER >>
 NON MEMBER - From $350 - 600  Registrations now open  REGISTER >> 
 STUDENTS - From $50-70 (full-time tertiary ID required)  Registrations now open  REGISTER >> 


Conference Program

ACHPER WA has sourced the very best presenters and facilitators to lead an extensive range of workshops to meet the professional learning needs of our community. Sessions include primary, secondary and specialist streams, with theory based seminars and / or practical options.

*Please note that this program will be added as it evolves.


Presenter Information

Abstract submissions are currently open. Submit an Expression of Interest HERE

Stall Holder Information

Applications to hold a exhibition stall at the conference are currently open. Apply HERE

Sponsor Information

We are currently taking submissions to be a GOLD or SILVER sponsor for this event. Download our sponsorship brochure HERE

Volunteer Information

We are taking submissions from university students, currently undertaking study in HPE. Click here to provide an EOI. Volunteers will gain access to the conference whilst carrying out duties throughout the day.



We would like to acknowledge our partners for this conference, who have provided the venue, facilities and support to make this event possible.

Thank you to Edith Cowan University - School of Education (Mount Lawley Campus).


 We would like to acknowledge our national sponsor for their ongoing support with this event. Thank you Tennis Australia.