Corporate Cup


ACHPER SA owns and manages an event called the Corporate Cup which has been running for 44 years. Registrations are OPEN for 2024 and schools can be involved with the KM Tracker category - a virtual category where the aim is to walk/run as many KMs as you can over the 6 fortnightly rounds beginning August 7.

The Corporate Cup isn't just about the race; it's about promoting staff wellbeing, teamwork and camaraderie within the workplace. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bond with colleagues, challenge yourself, and increase your physical activity.

Last year, Parkside PS trialled the KM Tracker category for us. Check out this video to hear Kylie (HPE teacher & Assistant Principal) talk about:

✨ How there was so much interest they created not 1, but 4 teams.

✨ The Corporate Cup boosted team morale, providing banter and something other than work to be talked about in the staffroom.

✨ Great for staff wellbeing.

✨ They are excited to participate again in 2024. 


Why Enter?

  • Improve your overall fitness, endurance and wellbeing
  • Create camaraderie and friendly office competition - something to talk about other than work!
  • A great way to motivate you to get your steps up.
  • Socialise with colleagues while doing something active


Get Involved

Schools receive a special rate of $140 per team of 7 (normally $260) during early bird registrations. Whether you're a seasoned runner, need some motivation to start running or just want to increase your physical activity, you can be part of the action and join your colleagues in this iconic event no matter where you are in SA! The KM tracker category allows you to participate anywhere, anytime and you simply track your KMs then upload them to our portal. This is a proven way to engage your colleagues and improve their wellbeing - last year, 90.95% of participants reported an improvement in their overall health and wellbeing by participating in the Corporate Cup.


For more information, contact us or visit the Corporate Cup website.